Monday, March 9, 2009

Expression Unchained

And then it hits me at the speed of light,
blinding me, thawing away
the shackles of my mortal mind
Exposing my naked thoughts
to a supernova of ideas
Exploiting them to the core of their origin
My thoughts break free, flow wild,
intimidated by their newborn liberty
They scatter, run, falter, break down
They stand up, amass, stop, realise
the power running through their essence
ready to explode the copious boundaries
of false meaning, sense and reason
that once strangled their mere existence
They speak, the words surging untamed
They write, the ink mincing all cause and rationale
They perform, random madness prevails
Fighting for time, people, places
Fighting for everything…nothing
And the borders slowly withdraw into oblivion,
defeated by their own absence rising with every strike,
subsiding with the daunting shame of realisation
fading to reveal the light of the ever confined truth
while all that remains is a thought expressed, content
And at last they are free, I am free
to excavate a new place in a novel world
where silence states more than noise
where spaces speak more than words
where shadows reveal more than light
and in this emancipation is born a new life
renewed and relentless
The expression has been unchained.

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